A handmade “Mensch ärgere Dich nicht” (also internationally known as Ludo or Pachisi) board is exhibited in the lobby of ANZAPLAN’s offices in Amberg. The game table was created as the masterpiece of a master craftsman's certificate (tiler).
“Mensch ärgere Dich nicht” is one of Germany’s most favorite board games, and ANZAPLAN’s offices are located just 200 m away from the birthplace of its inventor Mr. Friedrich Josef Schmidt.
Brigitte Netta, of the DigiMINTKids alliance (located in the same building), is enthusiastic about the unique game table: "This great masterpiece is an excellent example of creativity, care, accuracy and versatility in craftsmanship. The table is a real work of art!”
The game table is meant to be a meeting point for all parties residing in the building and we are prepared to play a round of “Mensch ärgere Dich nicht” with our visiting clients anytime.